Recently, the 6th edition of the India Gaming Show was held in Pune from 14th to 16th March. CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) president, Mr. R. Dinesh, emphasized the vast potential of India’s gaming sector. He mentioned the significant growth in India’s Esports and game development sectors in coming years.
Around 70 exhibitors from 10 countries participated in the event, where Indonesia also made its magnificent debut, which showed India’s global reach. The show was a collaborative effort of the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Indian Digital Gaming Society (IDGS). Government bodies like the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Invest India, and Startup India supported the event.
With a global video game industry market valued at around $180 billion and a possible growth of up to $665 billion by 2030, the Indian gaming sector can grow exponentially. Although the Indian Gaming sector only commands 1% of market shares, the expansion can be fueled by current trends in PC, console, and mobile gaming.
With close to 40 members, IGDS plans to build strong connections with the Indian gaming sector nationally and engage with the international gaming community.
Statement From Officials On Industry Responsibilities And Future
Mr. Chandrajit Banarjee, the Director General of CII addressed the responsibilities of the gaming industry. He stressed the need for regulatory frameworks and encouraged collaboration between Indian and Global companies. He also mentioned the ethical usage of gaming to promote a healthy environment for the populace.
Mr. Rajan Navani, President of the Indian Digital Gaming Society (IDGS), noted the city’s IT talent pool and stated Pune is the emerging hub for gaming. India commands 1% of the global gaming market of over $100 billion and has 17% of the gamers’ shares. Navani also emphasized Pune’s potential to accelerate the “Bharat” gaming sector with the help of immersive technologies like AR and VR.
About The IGS-2024 Event In Pune
The 6th edition of IGS showcased a diverse range of hardware, cosplays, Indie developers, technologies, academia, and Esports. The vibrant event drew over 28,500 attendees and made it a truly exceptional and global event for gaming enthusiasts.
The Indian Gaming Show treated all the attendees with 26 sessions of events featuring 60 speakers from several fields. The brilliant speakers covered topics like skilling, game development, XR (extended reality), AI, and more. A special master class was also conducted to provide exclusive insights to youngsters with future job opportunities.
Concluding the dynamic and innovative event, Mr. Virendra Gupta, Secretary General of IGDS and Deputy Director General of CII, addressed the audience. He stated that the triumph of IGS 2024 shows the increasing value of the Indian Gaming industry both in India and globally.
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