After seven months since Free Fire was banned, Garena is finally going to launch its blockbuster video game in India. As per the report of the Economic Times, Singapore-based publisher Garena has started testing out game servers in India. According to the sources, these servers will be set up in Yotta Data Services, Navi Mumbai.
Garena stated in an interview with the Economic Times that Free Fire India will feature fully localized infrastructure following the government directives and stakeholders in India. The company aims to address all regulatory concerns and cater for the unique needs of the Indian gaming community. With the collaboration of Yotta Data Services, players can expect Fire Fire India to be launched very soon.
What Is New In Garena Free Fire India?
Garena planned to launch the game in August 2023, but due to some conflict with government policies, the company has pushed the release date. Even now, the company has not confirmed the release date; it is expected to be launched in the starting week of September. In the earlier campaign, the company has partnered with Indian sports stars like Sunil Chettri, Saina Nehwal, and Rahul Chaudhari.
With the new campaign, Garena has announced MS Dhoni as the brand ambassador. Additionally, he will also be added as a character in the game, which is already building hype among gamers. Though it has still not been confirmed, it would be fun for his fans around the world to see this happening.
Before, Free Fire was not so popular among Indian gamers due to its security concerns. Still, many people love this game, and it stayed relevant in the Battle Royal genre because of its low system requirement and involvement in the esports scene. Now, Garen is all set to launch the game with full localization to meet the preferences of Indian gamers.