In January, Krafton India announced a partnership with the Indian Premier League cricket team Mumbai Indians. In which the player can get a Voice Pack featuring BGMI X Mumbai Indians’ captain Hardik Pandya. The collaboration is now live, and players can claim much more perks and in-game MI-themed cosmetic items. Here is a guide on how to Complete Prize Path Missions, and get all the rewards in it.
BGMI X Mumbai Indians Event Deadline
Mumbai Indians is one of the renowned Cricket Teams in the IPL with a staggering 5 Trophies and many more accolades. Mumbai Indians officially on-boarded BGMI as their official partner in March for IPL 2024. The popular team announced it on their social media, which astonished thousands of fans. Even though IPL 2024 didn’t go well for Mumbai Indians fans as the team finished at 10th position.
According to Krafton, the collaboration event between MI and BGMI will last until June 6, 2024. You have plenty of time to complete all the missions to claim those marvelous MI-themed Items.
BGMI X Mumbai Indians All Rewards and How to Claim Them
First, before claiming the rewards, players must buy 500 UC, Which you can use to Unlock the Prize Path, as it needs 500 UC. You won’t be able to claim anything without unlocking the Prize Path. For those who don’t have any patience to complete all the missions, can purchase Prize Path items from the store by spending a large amount of UC.
In the Prize Path, players will get cosmetic items, including the Mumbaikar Set, MI Dacia car, MI Jhakaas Helmet, complementary 50 UC voucher, MI-themed backpack, Parachutes, and other items.
To get all of these, you have to complete several missions and earn Prize Points, which you can use to claim Prize Path rewards. You have to complete missions like spending specific time periods in the game or playing a match, reviving your teammate for certain times, sending team invites to certain numbers of players and many more.
The event also features a DP28 gun skin called MI Dhamakedaar DP28, which you can claim for just 2,700 prize points.
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