At a recent event named ‘ India Gaming Show’, which was held in Pune, CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) addressed the growth in this field. CII officials have stated that India is on the verge of growing exponentially in the gaming Industry. R. Dinesh, President of CII, who was addressing the event, mentioned India’s ability to create newer opportunities in Esports and game development.
The sixth edition of the India Gaming Show welcomed the participation of over 70 exhibitors representing 10 countries. Indonesia also made its grand debut as the event’s guest country, which showed India’s global reach and significance in the gaming community worldwide.
According to experts at CII, there is a lot of potential in the Indian gaming sector, backed by current trends observed in PC, mobile, and console gaming.
More importantly, Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General of CII, said India needs a policy framework to ensure an ethical gaming environment. He also emphasized the fact of normalizing responsible gaming practices and educating people about ethical and responsible gaming nationwide.
Furthermore, Banerjee signified the importance of innovation and skill development in the gaming community. He noted a notable 49% increase in the number of women engaging in gaming, which can be attributed to efforts aimed at enhancing the talent pool and diversifying the demographics.
In the end, the India Gaming Show ended on a good note, and CII officials suggested that with the right policies and innovation, India’s gaming sector could grow exponentially.
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