Earlier today, Ukraine’s president, Vladimir Zelensky, introduced certain restrictions on online gambling in the military ranks. This was established to curb the gambling epidemic within the military. This is not the first time Zelensky, the Wartime President, has taken action against the matter. In March 2023, he imposed sanctions on 120 individuals and 287 legal entities connected to online betting and gambling companies.
Recently, a serviceman named Petrechenko filed a petition, pointing out the dangers of troops. He mentioned in that petition that troops are spending long hours and a significant amount of their wages on gambling platforms on their mobile phones. This petition was filed in March 2024, and it received around 25,000 signatures. It mainly cited the risks of Russians using ads to get military personnel’s personal information.
Unfortunately, Petrychenko died on the frontline on 15th April and was buried last week in Kyiv. in late March, Ukrainian MP Aleksey Goncharenko mentioned that nine out of ten military professionals have issues related to online betting and gambling. He also mentioned that it’s a grave issue destroying the Military’s morale.
Newly Developed Measures By Ukraine
The freshly developed measures from the Ukrainian National Defense and Security Council, SNBO, include banning multiple accounts and limiting time and money spent on these sites. A new monitoring system has been introduced to block all illegal activities and access to personal information.
Ukraine cabinet plans to restrict advertising and ask Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google to block gambling sites on their stores without any appropriate licenses, reported Bloomberg.
The government is planning to elaborate on the restrictions for all kinds of gambling advertising. Moreover, the National Bank of Ukraine will make recommendations to all the banks for blocking online payments.
Ukrainian forces are tackling morale issues related to shortages of ammunition and manpower as the momentum of the war. Kremlin forces are also changing positions in Ukraine’s east and preparing for potentially broader offensive tactics.
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