Fortnite is one of the most popular battle royal games. It is also the hardest battle royal game compared to other battle royal games. People often get killed by a 12-year-old child. Some people even uninstall the game after losing games. Richard Tyler Blevins, the popular Fortnite pro gamer popularly known as ‘NINJA’, shares some tricks and tips to be a better Fortnite player.
Legendary Twitch streamer Richard Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has been playing Fortnite since 2017, and he is one of the top pro players in the game. I’m going to share with you some of his best tips to win in Fortnite, which he applied in his gaming.
Invest in Good Hardware & Gear
If you are playing Fortnite then your main gaming equipment will be your hardware from CPU, GPU to Keyboard, Mouse, and a good monitor. Belvines told in his stream that he started with cheap hardware, he had a very bad mouse and keyboard. He upgraded himself over time and purchased some high-quality hardware and products. He wished that he kind of waited and purchased at one time.
According to Ninja gamers should go for a mechanical keyboard, rather than a normal keyboard. Normal keyboards have thine input membrane, so it’s very easy for you to mistype in serious matches.
Your response time matters a lot in Fortnite, NINJA said that gamers use Wireless mice which sabotage their gameplay. Wireless mice have input lags, which are between eight to sixteen milliseconds. Input lag is the time taken by your PC after you click certain buttons. Gamers should always go for a Wired mouse rather than a wireless one.
Gamers overlook a mousepad which is also an essential part of your gaming experience. NINJA told everyone to go for bigger mousepads, which are smooth and give you comfort while moving your mouse.
Practice More
People lose Fortnite matches because of their bad gameplay and techniques. Players need to improve their technical skills. If you want to be a good shooter then learn how to flick aim. When a normal play sees an enemy he stops and aims at him, and it’s very wrong. You should not be stopping, rather flick your crosshair to the enemy and shoot. You have to react fast whenever you see an enemy.
NINJA also points out a mistake which is pre-shooting, players don’t aim where they need to aim. When players go over the hill, they aim upwards then they use the mouse to aim down the hill. You won’t be able to be a Fortnite pro if you aren’t able to aim down while running upwards the hill.
If you want to be a better Fortnite player then start practicing, practice makes perfect. You have to put your time into the game as an athlete puts in his game. Train as much as possible everyday to train your muscle memory, so you can use the tips NINJA gave you.
With the right gear, and practice you can be a pro Fortnite player.
Keep following The Gaming Newz for the latest tips and tricks from top pro gamers in the world of gaming!